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GROUP BY ROLLUP is an extension of the GROUP BY clause that produces sub-total rows (in addition to the grouped rows). Sub-total rows are rows that further aggregate whose values are derived by computing the same aggregate functions that were used to produce the grouped rows.


FROM ...
[ ... ]
GROUP BY ROLLUP ( groupRollup [ , groupRollup [ , ... ] ] )
[ ... ]


groupRollup ::= { <column_alias> | <position> | <expr> }
  • <column_alias>: Column alias appearing in the query block’s SELECT list

  • <position>: Position of an expression in the SELECT list

  • <expr>: Any expression on tables in the current scope


Let's create a sample table named sales_data and insert some data:

CREATE TABLE sales_data (
region VARCHAR(255),
product VARCHAR(255),
sales_amount INT

INSERT INTO sales_data (region, product, sales_amount) VALUES
('North', 'WidgetA', 200),
('North', 'WidgetB', 300),
('South', 'WidgetA', 400),
('South', 'WidgetB', 100),
('West', 'WidgetA', 300),
('West', 'WidgetB', 200);

Now, let's use the GROUP BY ROLLUP clause to get the total sales amount for each region and product, along with sub-totals for each region:

SELECT region, product, SUM(sales_amount) AS total_sales
FROM sales_data
GROUP BY ROLLUP (region, product);

The result will be:

| region | product | total_sales |
| South | NULL | 500 |
| West | NULL | 500 |
| North | NULL | 500 |
| West | WidgetB | 200 |
| NULL | NULL | 1500 |
| North | WidgetB | 300 |
| South | WidgetA | 400 |
| North | WidgetA | 200 |
| West | WidgetA | 300 |
| South | WidgetB | 100 |

In this example, the GROUP BY ROLLUP clause calculates the total sales for each region-product combination, each region, and the grand total.

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