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Returns the first day of the week for a date or a date with time (timestamp/datetime). The first day of a week can be Sunday or Monday, which is specified by the argument mode.


TO_START_OF_WEEK(<expr> [, mode])


[mode]Optional. If it is 0, the result is Sunday, otherwise, the result is Monday. The default value is 0

Return Type

DATE, returns date in “YYYY-MM-DD” format.


SELECT to_start_of_week(now());
| to_start_of_week(now()) |
| 2022-03-27 |

SELECT to_start_of_week(to_timestamp(1630812366));
| to_start_of_week(to_timestamp(1630812366)) |
| 2021-09-05 |

SELECT to_start_of_week(to_timestamp(1630812366), 1);
| to_start_of_week(to_timestamp(1630812366), 1) |
| 2021-08-30 |
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