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Extracts value from a VARIANT by path_name. The value is returned as a Variant or NULL if either of the arguments is NULL.

GET_PATH is equivalent to a chain of GET functions, path_name consists of a concatenation of field names preceded by periods (.), colons (:) or index operators ([index]). The first field name does not require the leading identifier to be specified.


GET_PATH( <variant>, <path_name> )


<variant>The VARIANT value that contains either an ARRAY or an OBJECT
<path_name>The String value that consists of a concatenation of field names

Return Type



SELECT get_path(parse_json('{"k1":[0,1,2], "k2":{"k3":3,"k4":4}}'), 'k1[0]');
| get_path(parse_json('{"k1":[0,1,2], "k2":{"k3":3,"k4":4}}'), 'k1[0]') |
| 0 |

SELECT get_path(parse_json('{"k1":[0,1,2], "k2":{"k3":3,"k4":4}}'), 'k2:k3');
| get_path(parse_json('{"k1":[0,1,2], "k2":{"k3":3,"k4":4}}'), 'k2:k3') |
| 3 |

SELECT get_path(parse_json('{"k1":[0,1,2], "k2":{"k3":3,"k4":4}}'), 'k2.k4');
| get_path(parse_json('{"k1":[0,1,2], "k2":{"k3":3,"k4":4}}'), 'k2.k4') |
| 4 |

SELECT get_path(parse_json('{"k1":[0,1,2], "k2":{"k3":3,"k4":4}}'), 'k2.k5');
| get_path(parse_json('{"k1":[0,1,2], "k2":{"k3":3,"k4":4}}'), 'k2.k5') |
| NULL |
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