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Random Engine


CREATE TABLE table_name (
column_name1 column_type1,
column_name2 column_type2,
) ENGINE = Random;

Use cases

Random engine is used to generate random data for testing purposes. If limit is not specified in query, it will use max_block_size as limit value.


> create table r (a int, b timestamp, c String, d Variant) Engine = Random;

> select * from r limit 3;

| a | b | c | d |
| 1515222693 | 5644-08-08 08:18:02.153307 | Cd4EL | false |
| -1721583430 | 2801-10-02 21:10:08.239880 | bdREv | {"2CbjY":5566179425126492090,"FtfVz":9111809212512345709,"VQuVv":-9022907531714095185} |
| -1865622072 | 6158-08-16 19:03:47.563392 | wKcpg | {"7dZAZ":-6513853114735328596,"nkZOZ":-400420074545948308,"px9BO":-8839157034206468334} |
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